May Newsletter
One PCC Place is one step closer to providing a new home for innovative services in Rutland. Exec. Dir. Mary Feldman got help breaking ground on the new facility at 16 Chaplin Ave. from many members of the community.
RCPCC’s New Year Approach
Everyone’s exhausted. Understatement. So, how are we at RCPCC coping with the stress of this pandemic as individuals and as staff with our clients? “I do my best when I’m not at work to center myself with meditation, music and a spiritual path I can rely on,” says Chris Laro - outreach
Rutland ECE – February Newsletter
BRRRRRRRRR Although we are getting through what we hope is the coldest part of winter, we are far from the end. Alas, we move onward. Take your time on the roads, dress in layers, and think like the Vermonter you are (or have become!). This is a great time to remind
Brandon ECE Newsletter – February 2022
BRRRRRRRRR Although we are gettting through what we hope is the coldest part of winter, we are far from the end. Alas, we move onward. Take your time on the roads, dress in layers, and think like the Vermonter you are (or have become!). This is a great time to remind
Brandon ECE Newsletter – January 2022
Find out what is happening at our Brandon location! HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope everyone had a safe and healthy holiday! Getting back into the swing of things can be tricky, especially as we enter the depths of winter. New years tip: get things ready at night so you don’t burn out