May Newsletter
RCPCC breaks ground on 2Gen Family Center!

Executive Director Mary Feldman breaks ground on One PCC Place with Mayor Mike Doenges, Phil Alderman, Vic Shappy and other members of the RCPCC community at 16 Chaplin Ave., Rutland.
One PCC Place is one step closer to providing a new home for innovative services in Rutland. Exec. Dir. Mary Feldman got help breaking ground on the new facility at 16 Chaplin Ave. from many members of the community. The 2Gen center is designed for the whole family – a one-stop-shop for community, social services, and education programs. When complete, it will house new childcare and high school classrooms for pregnant and parenting teens, living room-style meeting spaces, parenting and recovery support groups, a supermarket-style food pantry, workforce development programs, garden and nature playspace. Slated to open in early fall 2023.
The new Chaplin Center opening in early Fall of 2023 is a space committed to serving all Rutland County families in need of community, connection, and innovative education programs.
The 7s CLUB – LGBTQ Allies
Rally in Montpelier to support LGBTQ rights, queer and trans youth with the 7’s Club Leaders and RCPCC High School Students
Summer Youth Retreat Program
Teens and Young Adults: Come Discover Yourself!
Attention teens & young adults! The 7’s Club Summer Retreat is back with more summer fun and challenges for 2023. Our week-long summer retreats for ages 16-19 start June 18th and are FREE for participants. You even get paid a stipend for attending! We focus on building positive relationships that embrace diversity and inclusion with teens in Vermont and surrounding states. Last summer’s youth retreat in Brandon was a huge success, and we’ve recently partnered with Outright Vermont to expand our outreach with the LGBTQ community. Find more info and register at our website or contact 7’s Club Program Director Christopher Laro at 802-779-6386.
Help Support Our Work
You can play a role in making sure children and families in Rutland have enough to eat. The COVID-19 funding that helped fill our food pantry shelves has ended, but the need for nutritional assistance has only increased in recent months. In March, the federal government ended supplemental payments to SNAP, pulling up to $280 per month out of family grocery budgets. Please donate here to help us close the gap by making a tax-deductible financial contribution today.