Brandon ECE Newsletter – February 2022
Although we are gettting through what we hope is the coldest part of winter, we are far from the end. Alas, we move onward. Take your time on the roads, dress in layers, and think like the Vermonter you are (or have become!). This is a great time to remind everyone of carseat safety and young children. Those 5-point harnessess work best if they are snug against your kiddo, not snug against their fluffy coats. Consider carrying their jacket and bring a blanket instead.
We have a full house of friends! We would love to hear about what each child is learning about at home, since children at this age are learning on very different levels, and each on their own path. Let’s work together to get them to the next stage! Share your milestones with Miss Jo and Miss Carlie!
Our tots are joining Miss Libbie this month! We officially have a wait list for this age group, so let Miss Stephanie know if you have some friends who would like to join us.
Miss Tedi joined us a few weeks ago, and we are over the moon to have her! With new kiddos joining weekly, this group is working hard on teaching new kiddos the routines they have developed with Miss Kelaura over the last several months. Routines are important these days, especially in a world of uncertainty. It helps center our emotions and feelings when we know what’s coming. It is also reassuring when things do not go as planned, because fight or flight isn’t kicking in all the time. Help us fight toxic stress in these kiddos by taking a peek at the lessons for the week, looking what’s on the menu, and asking your child about what to expect for the day. It takes a village! Read the full newsletter