Transformative Community is a Place to Be(Come)
There are many pathways to enter the Parent Child Center’s circle of support – People arrive after having faced the trauma and frustrations of poverty, isolation, unhealthy relationships, and often a loss of hope and with that, also some hesitance in the smile, uncertainty in the voice, and worry about the future. At the PCC we know that real change comes about through relationships.
Recently, a young mother with a small child emerged from addiction treatment with little choice than to go back into an unhealthy relationship and a birth-family environment still plagued by addiction. This young mother faced a situation with few firm footholds. What she needed was a safe home environment, support with childcare, opportunity, material supports – and most importantly a sustained and nurturing connection with encouraging and helpful people.
She first connected with the PCC through Children’s Integrated Services. After situating the baby in our ECE program, her CIS support person helped her obtain an apartment within our transitional housing program, allowing her to remove herself from her abusive partner. She became involved with our nature based Natural Transformations program and before long, this young woman was finding her stronger, resilient self, volunteering at the PCC, and exploring post-secondary academic options. She begins classes at CCV this summer.
Meanwhile, grounded in the changes made possible through relationships built at PCC, she has taken it upon herself to do outreach within the recovery community for the Natural Transformations and serves as a powerful peer role model within the PCC.
This is Transformational Community at work.