RCPCC Latest News

Early Childhood Education

Exciting times at Brandon ECE

The leadership of Ms. Stephanie Carvey at the Brandon, VT site has transformed the ECE (early childhood education) and toddler programs since she took over this year. Along with our ECE/toddler rooms, she oversees the SAPLINGS afterschool reading and summer retreat program for K-fourth graders (June-August) and a brand new teen program we’re developing. That program – ‘Th’ 7’s Club’ – will start this upcoming winter of 2021-2022 and run through summer 2022 and will be offered to area teens ages 12-14 only. This teen club will become an integral part of our social services at the new PCC of Rutland County in Brandon. Th’ 7’s Club will be staffed by Mr. Christopher Laro and Mr. Ray Uwesi. The teen program will feature a small ropes course and zip line that will be used as we create mentoring relationships with all participants. We will also go on hikes and participate in sports activities, crafting, shelter building, and a variety of nature-based initiatives to help build self-esteem, confidence and good Earth stewardship. “We plan on partnering with local high schools like Otter Valley and Rutland,” says Mr. Laro. “I’ve created many youth programs over my twenty-five years of social work in Vermont (SUCCESS SCHOOL, Eckart Youth Foundation, the B&GC & currently for RCPCC), and I’m excited that this newest youth program will help young males reconnect to themselves in positive ways as we come out of the Covid-19 era.”

All pandemic related protocols will in place and adhered to as suggested by the State and Federal CDC.

All field trip transport of teen participants provided for by RCPCC at Brandon. For more information and updates on how to enroll a high school student in this unique nature-based program, please contact Mr. Laro at (802) 779-6386.